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The new name for Mixed Vegetable Tablets

The new name for Mixed Vegetable Tablets

Jo Boughton-White |

From the 1st May 2018 Mixed Vegetable Tablets will be called Green Releaf® Tablets.

• Exactly the same formulation

• Exactly the same dosage

• Used for exactly the same conditions

• ONLY the name has changed!

Why have we made this change?

‘Mixed Vegetable’ has always been a bit of a misleading name as often our customers think they are just an alternative to feeding vegetables in the diet. It actually contains FIVE active ingredients from green leafed herbs and is so popular as it is used for the relief of the symptoms of skin conditions, arthritis and also urinary disorders in dogs and cats – what an amazing product!

It is incredibly useful especially in the older dog as often most will start to show symptoms of at least one of the conditions with their advancing years and possibly more. One tablet that can help joints, skin and urinary problems is always going to be a winner!

If you have any questions please do contact our Customer Service Team on 01308 897272, or connect with on social media