As Summer turns to Autumn, we are getting lots of customers contacting us about fleas. These annoying pests not only irritate pets, and the scratching caused is tiresome for owners too, but more importantly they can also cause severe skin problems in both dogs and cats as some pets can have an allergic reaction to their bites.
How herbal products can help...
There are no herbal products that will actually eradicate fleas, ticks or lice. The only way to be absolutely confident that you have eradicated them is to use a chemical licensed flea treatment. However there are plants that can have an important role to play in the prevention of infestations, as the oils they contain provide a hostile environment in which fleas and ticks would prefer not to live.
One of the most effective and widely used plants is Garlic, which has been used for thousands of years to provide an environment that parasites find hostile. It contains a volatile oil, allyl methyl sulphide, which is responsible for its strong smell and is absorbed into the blood and from there through the whole system. Although some people like to add fresh garlic to their dog’s food, the quantity given this way is not generally adequate to act as a flea repellent. To be effective garlic needs to be given in a more concentrated form and on a regular basis to ensure there is a sufficient amount in the blood stream to discourage fleas and ticks from staying around.
Our garlic-containing products are developed to allow you to administer a consistent, measured amount of garlic to your pet, so that they can enjoy the many benefits of garlic and you can have peace of mind. A recent study demonstrated that giving garlic extract to dogs, at a much higher amount than that found in our products, had no adverse effects. Garlic & Fenugreek Tablets are ideal for this purpose and being coated they are easy to give and palatable. Being coated the garlic aroma is encased and this reduces the aroma of garlic for those owners who don’t like the smell.
You may have been told that garlic is toxic to dogs and cats and so wonder why we sell garlic products specifically for them? It's true that garlic can be toxic to our pets but like with many things, it comes down to how much and how it is administered. Even people can experience some nasty side effects if they consume too much garlic!
Black Peppermint
Peppermint has been used by people for centuries for natural healthcare, and as an insect repellent. The oil is incorporated into Dorwest’s Clean & Fresh Dog Shampoo and as well as being an excellent cleansing shampoo it also leaves a pleasant minty aroma on the coat which fleas don’t like and so is a powerful deterrent for these parasites.
Find out more about how veterinary herbal supplements can help your dog by getting in touch with our friendly team on 01308 897 272 or shop our range of herbal pet care online. Receive free UK delivery on orders over £50.
Please remember, you should always consult a vet if you are concerned about your pet’s health.
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